Spiritual Bypassing Re-Solver - Face Reality for Healing & Awakening
Founder: Cezary Wieczorek
Year of Channelling: 2024
Fixed Fee System: Yes
Nos. Attunements: 1
Symbols: Yes
Prerequisite: None
Spiritual Bypassing Re-Solver is a brand new system of energy work that has been given to us by Cezary Wieczorek who also bought through the Golden Feather Talisman of Thoth, Unlimited Neural Remapping Activation and many more. It is an honour to share Cezary's pure and genuine attunements through the Academy.
Spiritual By-Passing is a term that one uses when someone tries to avoid dealing with painful feelings and/or emotions by placing too much attention on spiritual ideas and practices. Instead of facing the difficult parts of life, one might lose themselves in meditation, spiritual beliefs and practices, believing that they will undo the negative aspects to lead to a path of healing and enlightenment. People will sometimes think that being more spiritual they can transcend all issues but the problem here is that it doesn't fix the underlying problems. It is just a way to avoid them temporarily. The pain, trauma and limiting beliefs are still there, hidden under the spiritual surface. Spiritual By-Passing keeps the individual in a half-baked state of growth. To transform, one needs to be willing to face their shadows, embrace humanity and take a more balanced grounded approach to their spiritual journey.
Examples of Spiritual By-Passing include:
* Emphasising spiritual things while ignoring the physical, emotional and psychological needs.
* Seeking altered states or mystical experiences instead of doing the hard work of personal growth.
* Dismissing more difficult emotions and life challenges as unimportant.
* Feeling spiritually superior to others.
* Using spiritual ideas to justify unhealthy behaviours.
Begin a new journey of inner healing and personal development today with Spiritual Bypassing Re-Solver
You will Receive
* A link will be sent to you after you have purchased your distant attunement. This link will give you access to your attunement manual which can be saved straight to your computer.
* A thank you email will be sent on the day of your attunement purchase. This email will give you a link to my new online booking program where you can select a day and time for your attunement to be sent. {Same-day attunements are not currently available}.
* Your distant attunement will be sent using your chosen method of initiation {Chi ball or appointed time}.
* A PDF certificate with a hand-signed signature and genuine lineage will be sent after you have received your distant attunement { I do not issue certificates at the same time as attunements are given}
* I give full spiritual support to all students before, during and after their attunements so if you have any questions or need guidance or support, please do not hesitate to email me and I will help as much as I can