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Spirit Release Healing Method Package - Exorcism, Possession & Entity Healing

Spirit Release Healing Method Package - Exorcism, Possession & Entity Healing



  • Information

    Founder: Jay Burrell 

    Year of Channelling: 2012 - 2020

    Fixed Fee System: Yes

    Nos. Attunements: 3

    Symbols: No

    Registration: Yes 

    Prerequisite: None


    * The Spirit Release Healing Method Level 1 (42 Page Manual)


    As part of my Spiritual Work, I am quite often called upon to help those who feel that they are a victim of a Spiritual/Psychic Attack. This Attach can either be a result of another person intentionally casing a Spell of another form of Magical working against them or it can simply be a result of an Astral Attack where the individual is subjected to Negative Spiritual Energy that has either been picked up from their surroundings or it has come directly from the lower vibrations of the Astral Realms. On occasions, an Astral Attack can also be the result of Dark/Black Magic where the practitioner has the ability to enter the Lower Astral Realms where they ask for Lower Vibration Entities/Demons to do their Bidding. This is called Necromancy or Demonology. These Attacks will ultimately cause a magnitude of Energetic Symptoms and/or situations to occur within the life of the person being attacked and will need to be cleared straight away before it results in actual Mental and/or Physical Harm. 


    Through my work as a Spirit Release Therapist and with the assistance of my Guide "Rakesh" I have created this Teaching Manual and subsequent Distant Attunement to the Spirit Release Healing Method. It is through this new form of Healing that I would like to teach you how to recognise the symptoms of a real Psychic Attack, Magical Workings or Entity Attachment so you can gain the Spiritual Tools to combat these Entities to bring Relief and sometimes Life Changing Benefits to the individual being Healed. A very important notice that I would like to make here is that this system has a very strong Christian Energy. I understand that not everyone reading this will be Christian or will share Christian beliefs but I have to be true to myself and this is a channelled system where the information that I was given comes from my own Spiritual Upbringing within the Christian Tradition. It is also the method that I use myself and have had amazing results from working with the Christian Lord's Prayer and Hail Mary before and after all Spirit Release Healing Sessions. This is done whether the person being healed is Christian or not. If however, this makes you uncomfortable then please use any Protective Prayer or Invocation that you feel most comfortable with. You must always follow your own intuition and guidance in how to utilise this information.


    The Spirit Release Healing Method will teach you about the following and much more:


    * Psychic Attack & Spiritual Attachment.


    * Earthbound Spirits, Ghosts & Lost Souls.


    * Thought Forms.


    * Negative Energy.


    * Psychic Attack.


    * Curses, Cords, Vows and Spiritual Contracts.


    * Past Life Attachments & Ancestral Patterns.


    * Satanic Influence, Black Magic & Demonic Forces.


    * Programs, Mind Control & Spiritual Implants.


    * Spiritual Grounding.


    * Spiritual Protection.


    * Spirit Release/Protection Prayers (Lords Prayer & Hail Mary).


    * How to work with the Spirit Release Healing Method. 


    * The Spirit Release Healing Method Level 2 (40 Page Manual)


    This new channelled Distant Attunement has been developed over many years of Practical and Theoretical work. This Attunement and Teaching Course are not designed to instantly make you a Spirit Release Healer/Deliverance Minister as this takes many years of work and further studies but it has been designed to give you the Knowledge and Spiritual Tools in order for you to begin your path as a Spirit Release Healer while expanding your awareness into this area of Spiritual Healing which it needed now more than ever before. The world is becoming a very dark and dangerous place where individuals are opening themselves up to the spiritual realms without any serious thought about the consequences of their actions. Practices such as using an Ouija Board, Séances, Ghost Hunting or even simply taking a Distant Attunement which has been designed with an undercurrent of energy to attach negative and sometimes Demonic Energies into your Auric Field. The ways in which someone can open themselves up to the Lower Astral Realms is endless but I will focus on the most often situations that I have come across in my own Spirit Release work within this manual.


    It is extremely helpful to know about the main ways in which Negative Attachments and Demons can enter into people's lives and although this was covered in the original Spirit Release Healing Method Manual, I would like to expand on this through new insight that I have been given by my Star Guide ‘Rakesh’. In order to release an individual from an Attachment or Demon, you need to know what it was that gave them the right to enter in the first place. Then by Renunciation of that thing and by the Deliverance from a Spirit Release Healer, you will be able to command the Entity or Demon who has taken over the affected person to leave. This process does not happen straight away and it can take many attempts for true releasement to be achieved but with perseverance and determination, you will accomplish that which you set out to do. First, you must always remember that Negative Entities and Demons cannot simply enter into someone's life at any time they choose. They must be invited either through deliberate intent or through opening a doorway for them to enter. Knowledge of the things that open the doorways to the Lower Astral Realms will give you an understanding of how to cast them out!


    Exorcism or Spirit Release Therapy is simply the Rite for driving out Demonic Forces from someone who is under Spiritual Attack or has been Possessed. Within this manual, I will refer to Spirit Release as Exorcism as it is the word that is used more often when this form of healing is performed. The general assumption that everyone believes is that it is only the Catholic Church or an ordained Priest who has been authorised by the Vatican can perform an Exorcism but this is a false belief which has caused so many people to suffer from Possession or Entity Attachment. There are individuals within all faiths around the world who perform Exorcisms. Within this manual, I will be focusing on the Christian form of Exorcism because this was my own upbringing and it is the belief system that I hold dear to my heart. It is also the method in which I perform Spirit Release Healing myself and have had great success when I have worked with this method.


    You will learn about the following and much more: 


    * The Presence. 


    * The Breaking Point. 


    * The Voice. 


    * The Clash. 


    * The Expulsion. 


    * Stories of Possession. 


    * What is Spirit Release Therapy. 


    * Signs of Possession and Entity Attachment.  


    * Making Holy Water. 


    * How to Exorcise Water. 


    * The Rite of Releasement and Exorcism. 


    * The Spirit Release Healing Method Level 3 (73 Pages)


    Spirits and the release of their hold on the human psyche have been universally described phenomena that reach every corner of the world and has been talked about for millennia. Most religions have mystic traditions that define in detail spiritual dimensions and beings. The Bible mentions Jesus healing by ‘casting out unclean spirits’. Buddhism’s Tibetan Book Of The Dead details specific beings encountered between death and rebirth. Hinduism’s Autobiography of a Yogi gives specific stories of managing earthbound spirits. Spirits remain relevant for many cultures around the world today, in the beliefs and daily practices of billions.


    Many of you will already be aware and have been attuned to the Spirit Release Healing Method Levels 1&2 that I channelled in 2012 and 2015. These systems were created to teach those of you who wish to become Spirit Release Ministers. Since the creation of these systems, I have received many emails from students and spiritual seekers who wish to work within this area of spirituality but wanted to utilise another method of Spirit Release work which was not as religious as the previous 2 levels. Now while my beliefs play a large role in the work that I do and I truly believe that by utilising the energies of Jesus and Mother Mary in a Spirit Release Healing Session, I also understand that this is not for everyone so after many months of meditating, I have been blessed with a new form of Spirit Release work that I hope will bridge this gap of religious spirit release and a more orthodox method of spirit release work. This new form of Spirit Release Therapy will teach you the fundamental aspects of what it means to be a Spirit Release Therapies focusing your work on releasing Earthbound Spirits, Dark Force Entities and Extraterrestrial Releasement but without the religious undertones that you will find in the previous Spirit Release courses that I have channeled. This makes this course, brand new but it can be used alongside the original Spirit Release Therapy teachings due to the introduction of brand-new information and techniques that will help you in this line of work. The Spirit Release Therapy distant attunement/ course has also been designed in such a way that it can be used during traditional spiritual healing or via a one-on-one counselling session where your client is seated in a chair in front of you, relaxing into a deep state of meditation which can be achieved through hypnotherapy if you already practice this art form or you can simply use any given guided meditation that you have yourself used. You can also use Binaural Beat soundtracks to help the client to slip into a deep state of relaxation and meditation for the SRT to take place.


    You will learn about the following and much more: 


    * History / Modern / Secular & Religious. 


    * Science / Metaphisics / Spirits. 


    * Types of Spirits. 


    * Spirits Not Requiring Releasement. 


    * Spirits Requiring Releasement. 


    * The Car Metaphor. 


    * Spirit Communication. 


    * Session Preparation & The Types of SRT Sessions.


    * Why offer SRT (Spirit Release Therapy). 


    * Indications and Issues for a SRT Session.


    * The Client Interview/Consultation. 


    * Contra-indications For SRT Sessions.


    * Progressive Relaxation Induction.


    * SRT Re-Entry. 


    * Discover Attached Spirits. 


    * Protection. 


    * Protection Tools. 


    * Identifying the types of Attached Spirits. 


    * Interviews with Earthbound Spirits (EBS). 


    * Release Earthbound Spirits - Simplest Version. 


    * Release Earthbound Spirits - Complex Versions. 


    * Earthbound Spirits - Reasons For Attachment. 


    * Regress Earth Bound Spirits to Go Into The Light. 


    * Identifying Dark Force Entities (DFEs). 


    * Understanding Dark Force Entities (DFEs). 


    * Engage DFEs in Discussion.


    * How DFEs Attach To Clients. 


    * Regress To The Cause Of DFE Attachment.


    * Release The Dark Force Entity (DFE) Attachment.


    * DFEs - Immediate Releasement.


    * Spirits of Light. The Three Deceptions.


    * Guided Imagery Of Light.


    * Ongoing Therapy. 


    * Extraterrestrials (ETs). 


    * Release ETs: Simple.


    * Release ETs: Complex.


    * Release ETs: Complex - Spiritual Evolvers.


    * Release ETs: Complex - Information Gatherers.


    * Release ETs: Complex - Disrupters.


    * Disruptive Monitoring, or Attachment?.


    * Compassion, Karma.


    * ETs with DFE Attachments.


    * ETs - Formal Releasement.


    * Starting SRT Sessions Intentionally.


    Registered Teachers Page - Click Here

    All teachers and students must be registered in order to pass on these energies to others as well as for personal use. This is so I can send you revised and updated manuals as well as extra informational manuals if they are written in the future. If you receive this attunement from someone who is not registered on the following page, you will not be authorised to use or share these energies. If your teacher's name is now on the following page, please contact me straight away at with your teacher's name and the manual you were given. 

  • You Will Receive

    * A link will be sent to you after you have purchased your distant attunement. This link will give you access to your attunement manual which can be saved straight to your computer. 


    * A thank you email will be sent on the day of your attunement purchase. This email will give you a link to my new online booking program where you can select a day and time for your attunement to be sent. {Same-day attunements are not currently available}. 


    * Your distant attunement will be sent using your chosen method of initiation {Chi ball or appointed time}.


    * A PDF certificate with a hand-signed signature and genuine lineage will be sent after you have received your distant attunement { I do not issue certificates at the same time as attunements are given} 


    * I give full spiritual support to all students before, during and after their attunements so if you have any questions or need guidance or support, please do not hesitate to email me and I will help as much as I can

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