Saint Joseph Spiritual Empowerment - Protection/Guidance Through Difficult Times
Founder: Jay Burrell
Year of Channelling: 2024
Fixed Fee System: Yes
Nos. Attunements: 1
Symbols: Yes
Prerequisite: None
Do you ever feel like you need someone to turn to when life gets overwhelming?
Do you wish you could connect with someone who can guide and protect you through difficult times?
Well, St Joseph is here to walk with you and to help you during these difficult times. For centuries, people have turned to St. Joseph for comfort and guidance. As the earthly father of Jesus, he is known as a powerful intercessor and miracle worker. His life story is filled with examples of his holiness and devotion to God, making him an inspiration for many. Throughout history, there have been countless accounts of St. Joseph’s miracles. From healing the sick to protecting those in danger, his intercession has brought hope and peace to many followers around the world. As we explore some of these miraculous stories through this new distant attunement, we will uncover how St. Joseph’s legacy continues to inspire us today and offer insights into how you can find comfort during challenging times by turning towards this beloved Saint. Come and join me on this journey of discovery as we delve into the miracles and blessings of St Joseph – a testament to his holiness that is present today and resonates with people around the world.
You will Receive
* A link will be sent to you after you have purchased your distant attunement. This link will give you access to your attunement manual which can be saved straight to your computer.
* A thank you email will be sent on the day of your attunement purchase. This email will give you a link to my new online booking program where you can select a day and time for your attunement to be sent. {Same-day attunements are not currently available}.
* Your distant attunement will be sent using your chosen method of initiation {Chi ball or appointed time}.
* A PDF certificate with a hand-signed signature and genuine lineage will be sent after you have received your distant attunement { I do not issue certificates at the same time as attunements are given}
* I give full spiritual support to all students before, during and after their attunements so if you have any questions or need guidance or support, please do not hesitate to email me and I will help as much as I can