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The Rainbow Light Healing System Level 9 - The Rainbow Fairy Essence Activations

The Rainbow Light Healing System Level 9 - The Rainbow Fairy Essence Activations

  • Prerequisite: Rainbow Light Healing 1-8

    Please Note: You must be attuned to the given Prerequisites in order to receive this level. Proof of attunement will be requested if you have been attuned by another teacher.


    The Rainbow Light Healing System Level 9 was channeled in 2021 by Jay Burrell. 


    The Rainbow Fairy Essence Activations is the 9th instalment within the Rainbow Light Healing Series. This set of attunements were created to help you with many forms of healing as well as spiritual progression and the balance of mind, body & spirit. This new activation has been created to bring forth the blessings of the Fairies and the etheric attributes of Flowers, Tree’s and the Seasons. When I finished channeling the main message for this attunement, I felt the presence of the fairies come close where they imprinted onto my consciousness the need to include Inner Child Essence Activations. This was unexpected but as you will see, the addition of these activations, adds an extra dimension of energy to the overall healing from the fairies 


    The Rainbow Light Healing System Series consist of the following attunements. These are also the prereequisites that you will need to be attuned to in order to receive this new attunement. 


    * The Rainbow Light Healing System Level 1 (2005)


    * The Rainbow Light Healing System Level 2 - The Rainbow Dove Empowerment (2006) 


    * The Rainbow Light Healing System Level 3 – The Rainbow Skull Empowerment (2011) 


    * The Rainbow Light Healing System Level 4 – The Rainbow Pyramid Empowerment (2012) 


    * The Rainbow Light Healing System Level 5 - The Rainbow Cocoon Empowerment (2013) 


    * The Rainbow Light Healing System Level 6 - The Rainbow Diamond LightBody Activations (2014)


    * The Rainbow Light Healing System Level 7 - The Angelic Orbs of Light Empowerment (2017)


    * The Rainbow Light Healing System Level 8 - The Rainbow Orb of Light Empowerment (2018


    Fairies and in particular, flower fairies, are small creatures who stand no more than 20cm tall. These beings are often found living in the tops of trees, in marshes, forests, waysides and in your garden. Wherever and whenever a seed seedlings appear, it is believed that a flower fairy is born. Each flower fairy lives and sleeps in their chosen flower, plant or tree and as it grows, the fairy grows too. Each and every flower fairy is also in charge of looking after their home, keeping it strong and healthy by making sure it has plenty of sunshine and water to grow. Sweeping away dead leaves and petals while also polishing the flowers and stems. Within this manual and accompanying energy activations, you will gain an energetic rapport with each of the fairies that can be found in flowers, trees and by the wayside. When all of this knowledge and the etheric activations are combined, they will create a powerful and life changing energy will manifest itself within your life. You could also call the effects magical due to their ability to transform lower energies into love and light. Within the accompanying manaul, you will learn about Fairies of the Flowers, Fairies of the Tree's. Fairies of the Seasons and an all new aspect of Fairy healing which works to help with Inner Child Re-Alignment. 


    If you were attuned to the prerequisite levels 1-8 of the Rainbow Light Healing Series by another teacher, proof of attunement will be required before I will send the energies of this new attunement to you. 

  • With your purchase you will receive:

    * Digital Download of your chosen Manual/Manuals. 


    * Your Distant Attunement will be sent to you after you have read through the Manual/Manuals and have asked any questions that you may have. This is to ensure that you have understood all of the information that was given to you. Your Distant Attunement will be sent to you via the Call In (Chi Ball) or Appointed Time Method. 


    * An Emailed Certificate with Hand Signed Signature and Lineage will be sent to you after you have received your Attunement. Alternatively, you can just receive the Attunement Lineage if no Certificate is required. 


    * Email Support will be given during the duration of your Spiritual Training. 

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