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LightCode Healing & Ascension Package - Advanced Energetic Alignment

LightCode Healing & Ascension Package - Advanced Energetic Alignment

  • Prerequisite: Reiki Master

    Do you want to learn how to incorporate the energies of Light Codes into your healing and meditation practices? If you do, this new package is for you. 

    I have created a brand new package for the Academy that focuses on introducing LightCode energies into your etheric background and healing/meditation practices. The energies come directly to us from the Celestial Hierarchy, Galactic Masters and Guides who have come forward to help each initiate to move forward on their path of Ascension and Enlightenment. One of the things that I was taught by the Celestial Hierarchy while channelling these attunements is that there are 2 forms of LightCode. The first form is also known as "The Language of Light". This is as the name suggests, a spiritual language that the Angels, Ascended Masters, Guides and Light Beings use to communicate with each other and those on Earth who are open to this language. The symbols are the language of light and they are what you will most commonly see when you read about LightCodes. The second form is what I focus on through my attunements. These are the “Healing LightCode Symbols”.  The symbols that I have channelled through the attunements within this package are encoded into your etheric background during your attunement. You are then encouraged to access them through healing and meditation to facilitate a deeper and more meaningful connection with them. It is important to remember that the codes will not work and will not manifest if you do not work with them yourself. 

    Below you will find the names of the attunements that you will receive as part of this new package. I have kept the information about each one to just a few paragraphs to keep the length of the listing to a minimum. You can view more information about each attunement by using the search bar at the top of the main web-store


    * Angel LightCode Healing Reiki 

    Angelic LightCode Healing Reiki is a system of spiritual development and advanced awareness that anyone can learn. It is a system where you will work closely with your clients using healing methods and the highest energies from the angelic realms. This brings bout healing and creates spiritual balance for all who receive it. Within Angel LightCode Healing Reiki there is a healer and then the client/recipient. The healer is the channel for the angelic energies in the same way that healers channel traditional Usui Reiki. Angel LightCode Healing Reiki draws on the traditions of Usui Reiki and Shamballa. By combining these vibrations with the powerful transmissions of the angels you will receive a permanent and life-changing initiation to the realms of the angels and ascended masters. 


    * Celestial LightCode Ascension Reiki Lvl 1

    Celestial LightCode Ascension Reiki was channelled in 2019 to give you several blessings and unique spiritual gifts to work with the LightCodes by manifesting the product of your own divine guidance, guidance which you can receive through a constant stream of energy that will descend from the Godhead. The LightCodes are usually given in the form of energy patterns, sacred geometry, symbols and signs that you are not familiar with through your natural human language. They can also manifest themselves through colour, sound waves, light patterns, energy frequencies and etheric vibrations. The purpose of these new light codes is to share the gifts that creation has to offer and that is why they express the diversity and individuality of life in its totality, through the different forms of their manifestation. 


    * Celestial LightCode Ascension Reiki Lvl 2 

    Celestial LightCode Ascension Reiki Level 2 was channelled in 2022 to build upon the original energies that were brought to humanity in 2019 as a way of accelerating the intense transitory phase from a 3D/4D single-dimensional earth mindset society to an expansive multi-dimensional {quantum} vibration where eery belief and reality moved into an energetic review. This review requires a continued “energetic/vibrational re-alignment” process that is performed through a state of inner awareness of the energies of sacred source/spiritual consciousness and divine light that is held within every one of us. Transitioning an entire planet/species out of this old way of thinking/living is beyond intricate as every aspect of each person's individual and entire life is affected by and is included in this process. 


    * Crystal LightCode Ascension Reiki Levels 1-10

    Crystal LightCode Ascension Reiki is an attunement of transformation and divinely guided energies that work to open you to the deeply transformative forces that will guide you to new pathways of healing, development and self-awareness. Crystal LightCode Ascension Reiki will guide you on your spiritual path as you continue to move forward in your incarnation and as you transition into these truly divine and love-filled vibrations. Through this series of Attunements {10 in total}, you will be invited to continue moving through deeper and deeper layers of purification and healing so that you can continue to awaken and grow to the many new truths and understandings that add to your existing dimensional reality of love, healing and unity. 


    * Diamond LightCode Ascension Reiki Levels 1-8

    Welcome with divine love, gratitude and grace. You are warmly welcomed to the all-new Diamond LightCode Ascension Reiki attunements and these beautiful, loving and highly evolved energies. Now that you have worked with the energies of Crystal LightCode Ascension Reiki and assimilated the symbols, you have now been guided to choose this new advanced set of sacred initiations that will continue the work that you have done through Crystal LightCode Ascension Reiki. Through this new doorway into the vibrations of the new Diamond Consciousness Portal, you will uncover, unearth and release many layers of untruth from within as you continue to move forward once again into a deeper and more profound understanding of the oneness vibrations and your own divine truth.


    * DNA LightCode Re-Alignment Healing Program 

    The DNA LightCode Re-Alignment Healing Program has been channelled to align you with the energy and etheric aspects of your spiritual DNA to achieve a state of collective oneness. As you continue to raise your energies to higher levels of awareness, the blessings and gifts of the godhead and celestial hierarchy will also increase within the field of your spiritual unification. This will continue to help you to ascend within your spirit body as well as awaken, realign and regenerate all aspects of the dormant spiritual DNA that resides within you. The channelled messages and guided information that you will find in this manual will give you guidance and step-by-step instructions to activate these dormant strands of DNA within your life and the lives of others. Finally, the manual and accompanying attunements will start the process of raising your energies to become a DNA LightCode Re-Alignment Healer/Master Teacher. 

  • With your purchase you will receive;

    * Digital Download of your Manuals in a ZIP file


    * Your Distant Attunement will be sent to you after you have read through the Manual/Manuals and have asked any questions that you may have. This is to ensure that you have understood all of the information that was given to you. Your Distant Attunement will be sent to you via the Call In (Chi Ball) or Appointed Time Method. 


    * An Emailed Certificate with Hand Signed Signature and Lineage will be sent to you after you have received your Attunement. Alternatively, you can just receive the Attunement Lineage if no Certificate is required. 


    * Email Support will be given during the duration of your Spiritual Training. 

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