Light of the Masters Healing Empowerment - Ascension & Advanced Enlightenment
Founder: Jay Burrell
Year of Channelling: 2020
Fixed Fee System: Yes
Nos. Attunements: 1
Symbols: No
Prerequisite: None
You may have stumbled across the term Ascended Masters or the Masters of Light while reading about Spiritual Ascension, Karma, Energy Healing or other Spiritual Matters. The term comes up frequently, but it’s often talked about as if you already know what it means. Within the Light of the Master's Empowerment manual I give you my own insight and awareness into these subjects so you can gain an understanding of what these terms mean, what makes someone an ascended master and how the ascended masters became who they are today. Within this system, I will do my best to give you a simple understanding of these concepts before I move into the topic of the Ascended Masters and how you can connect with them. You will also find information about the masters who are not as well known and this is the main aim of this attunement. I want to introduce you to Ascended Masters who have never been mentioned in other attunements. It is now time for the lesser-known masters to step forward to help you on your spiritual path.
You will learn about the following plus much more:
* What is Karma
* What is Reincarnation
* Understanding Ascension
* The Ascended Masters
* What is the I AM Presence/I AM Energy
* The Ascended Masters and the Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth
* The Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth/The Great White Brotherhood
* The Abilities of the Ascended Masters
* Jesus was the one to set Example
* Are the Ascended Masters Real
* Mastery and Ascension
* Each Master is one with the Mind of God
* Each Master is an Individual Focus of the Forces of Nature
* They are the Guardians of Humanity
* The Devic Kingdom and the Ascended Masters
* The Ascended Master Connections
Within the final part of the manual, you will meet the Ascended Masters! While I understand that we do not need an attunement to connect with the Ascended Masters, the transfer of energies during an attunement taps into a specific frequency of energy that will help you to connect with the Masters in a unique way. I have also decided not to add information about the history of each master because the masters want you to focus on who they are now and to not be overwhelmed by their previous incarnations on earth. As you connect with each master, you will gain a unique perspective about who they are and how they will help you on your spiritual and life’s path.
You will learn how to connect with the following Masters:
* Master Edgar Cayce.
* Master Mhammed.
* Master Rudolf Steiner.
* Lady Helena Blavatsky.
* Lady Frida Kahlo.
* Lady Sara.
* Master Rakoczi.
* Lady AnanDamayi Ma.
* Saint Mother Teresa.
* Lord Maha Conan.
* White Buffalo Calf Woman.
* Master Vasloo.
* Commander Ashtar.
You Will Receive
* A link will be sent to you after you have purchased your distant attunement. This link will give you access to your attunement manual which can be saved straight to your computer.
* A thank you email will be sent on the day of your attunement purchase. This email will give you a link to my new online booking program where you can select a day and time for your attunement to be sent. {Same-day attunements are not currently available}.
* Your distant attunement will be sent using your chosen method of initiation {Chi ball or appointed time}.
* A PDF certificate with a hand-signed signature and genuine lineage will be sent after you have received your distant attunement { I do not issue certificates at the same time as attunements are given}
* I give full spiritual support to all students before, during and after their attunements so if you have any questions or need guidance or support, please do not hesitate to email me and I will help as much as I can