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Christian Reiki

During the many years of being a spiritual teacher, I have become aware that there is an interest in energy healing and spiritual development within the Christian Community. While I understand that many people who choose to receive their attunements from LivingReiki Academy will come from a variety of religious backgrounds, I want to add this blog post to talk about Christianity and Reiki because this is a subject that is very close to my heart as you will see from several of the attunements that I have channelled which focus on Jesus and Mary. I hope that this blog post will alleviate any fears or worries that you might have about practicing Reiki and being a Christian.

My Christian Story

I was born and raised in a Christian household, being christened as a baby within the Church of England. I attended Sunday School and would regularly read the bible throughout my childhood, teenage years and into adulthood but I always felt that something was missing. There was something out there, waiting or me to discover it. I continued to be a strong believer in the Christian faith throughout my childhood and teenage years, regularly attending church services every Sunday and prayer meetings during the week. During my teenage years, I attended several churches ranging from Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, 7th Day Adventist, Christadelphian, Christian Spiritualist, Christian Science, Unitarian and Bahai but it was at 16 when I discovered the Evangelical movement and was baptised as a Born Again Christian. I still however felt that there was something else out there that I needed to find and it was only after suffering with a debilitating illness called Agoraphobia that I discovered what I was searching for. I found Reiki. Now while I understand that there has been a lot of bad press about Reiki within the Christian community. People stating that Reiki is evil, Reiki comes from the Devil, Reiki is Devil Worship. I can promise you that Reiki never has and never will have anything to do with the Christian Devil. Reiki is not evil and it does not connect you to the energies of lower spirits and demons. While these beings do exist the information that is being portrayed by the Christian community is one of ignorance and a lack of true information. This is one of the reasons why I have decided to create this Blog post. To hopefully educate those who have these feelings or have been taught that Reiki is wrong.

To put everything into simple terms, Reiki is Life and Reiki is the spiritual force that Jesus himself used. Jesus used Reiki when he performed the laying on of hands. Jesus used Reiki when he healed individuals of their sickness. Jesus used Reiki when he performed every miracle that is spoken of in the Christian Bible and many other religious texts from around the world. What we learn in Reiki and what Reiki practitioners do is no different to what Jesus did. It was only when the founder of Reiki Mr Mikao Usui spent many months and years searching for his own connection with the divine that he was blessed with being given the sacred spiritual knowledge that we now call Reiki. This is the same knowledge that was given to Jesus and it is the same knowledge that you can also gain when you open yourself up to the world of energy healing and the spiritual awareness of your own divine right to use this energy to benefit your own spiritual and life’s path.

Below are several questions that all Christians ask when they are curious about Reiki and Reiki Healing.

Q1. How do we know that healing is appropriate for Christians to do?

1 Corinthians 14:1 Paul tell us to eagerly desire spiritual gifts. In I Corinthians 12: 28 Paul says that healing is one of the gifts. Paul also says that each of the gifts is best expressed with love. Also, Jesus is quoted in John 14:12 as saying, "I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I go to the Father." We know that Jesus practiced laying on hands type healing, therefore, it is scriptural for Christians to practice healing by laying on hands.

Q2. What is the best way for a Christian to practice Reiki?

Reiki provides a very wonderful way for Christians to make use of God's power. When giving or receiving Reiki Attunements or treatments, call on God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to work directly through you and do the healing for you. This can be done through prayer before Reiki sessions, Attunements or classes etc. Christians have also found praying for additional healing power from Archangel Michael, Gabriel and the other angels of God to be very effective. In this way, your connection with God's love can become very powerful and act as a source of guidance, healing and love that will always be available to you.

Q3. Why is the Reiki attunement necessary? How does it work?

The attunement is a process that turns on the gift of healing and connects you with the presence of God. During this process, God can connect you more strongly to his power which strengthens the healing coming from your hands. While everyone has some healing ability we know from experience that those who receive a Reiki attunement have noticeably stronger healing energies coming from their hands and can help others more effectively with their Reiki treatments. As a Christian, it is recommended that you pray the Lord Prayer before any healing and ask for God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit to guide you in your healing sessions and attunements if you are teaching others have to use Reiki. Christians have found this to be a very valuable and uplifting experience that strengthens their connection to God and increases their healing ability.

Q4. How do we know that Reiki comes from God? I've heard some people say Reiki comes from Satan. How can I know the truth?

Our understanding of Satan comes from the Bible. Nowhere in the Bible do we find an instance where Satan healed someone. Satan tempts people to sin but Satan does not heal people. Furthermore, in Luke 6:44, Jesus says, "Each tree is recognized by its fruit." This is to say that if something is beneficial and helps people, and those results are long-lasting such as the healing people receive from Reiki, then it must be good and come from God.

Q5. Is Reiki a religion?

Religions are usually involved with issues such as heaven and hell, sin and salvation etc. and have a doctrine or code that one must believe in to be a part of the religion. Reiki does not deal with these things. Reiki is a simple healing technique. It does not require one to give up one’s religion or change one’s belief in any way to practice it. Most Christians who practice Reiki state that Reiki brings them closer to God, to Christ and the Holy Spirit and because it is a method of healing, it helps them fulfil their Christian calling to help others.

Q6. Is Reiki a cult?

For something to be a cult, it must have certain detrimental effects on its members. A usual requirement is that they must give up their previous religious beliefs and accept the new beliefs of the group without question. In Reiki, this is not required. People are free to continue with any religious belief they have previously chosen and people of all religious beliefs practice Reiki. In most cults, there is a leader to which members must follow and obey. Reiki has no leader. Practitioners can practice any way they want and are not controlled by anyone. In addition, in most cults, members are asked to give all or most of their possessions to the group, they often live communally and contact with the outside world is discouraged. None of these conditions exist in Reiki. Reiki is religiously neutral.

Q7. I understand Reiki uses symbols. I've been told that Christians shouldn't be involved with anything that uses symbols.

Keep in mind that symbols are part of Christianity. The fish and the cross are Christian symbols. Note also that Catholics make the sign of the cross over their chests for protection and to become empowered with Christ. Symbols are used in Reiki to connect with different kinds of Reiki energy and since Reiki healing energies all come from God, the symbols are a way to connect with God. However, if a person doesn't like the idea of symbols, they are not necessary to use them with Reiki.

Q8. I've heard of Reiki practitioners speak of Guides. What's this about? I've been told that Christians should avoid contacting spirits.

The idea of Reiki guides is not part of the original Reiki teaching but was added later by Western practitioners. Therefore, one doesn't have to contact a spirit guide, call on spirit guides to use Reiki as Reiki energy comes directly from God. However, it is possible as a Christian to use a similar concept when practicing Reiki. Keep in mind that Jesus, Mary and other Biblical figures received help from spiritual beings in the form of angels. Angels are spiritual beings that God has created to be his messengers and Christian Reiki practitioners can make use of their help. God's angels can help heal and also provide guidance. It is also possible to call on God directly and especially Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to be present and provide healing energy directly from them, but sometimes God will send an angel to do this also. Remember, the entire book of Revelations was given to John by an angel - indicating the responsibility God sometimes gives to angels to act as spiritual guides.

Q9. Is Reiki wizardry or black magic?

Wizardry and black magic are always used with the idea of gaining power over others or gaining some personal benefit regardless of God's will. It does not call on God but on lower powers or other lower beings to help fulfil one’s desires. Reiki does not operate in this way. It cannot be used to fulfil one’s desires unless they are part of God's plan. Reiki can only be used to heal and to help people. It is also always guided by God.

Q10. I've heard that Reiki is a Buddhist practice. Is this true?

While Mikao Usui who founded Reiki was a Buddhist, he had respect for all religions including Christianity which he had studied. At one point in his life, he lived with a Christian family and had Christian friends. He did not want Reiki to be a religious practice but wanted it to be a simple healing technique that anyone could use. Because of this, there are no Buddhist practices in Reiki. Reiki is religiously neutral. Reiki energy comes from God, which is understood to be the one or Universal God.

Q11. How should Christians treat others who heal in the name of Jesus, but do not have exactly the same beliefs as one’s own?

We read in the Gospel of Luke, 9: 49-50, " Master" said John, "we saw a man driving out demons in your name and we tried to stop him, because his is not one of us." "Do not stop him," Jesus said, "for whoever is not against you is for you."

Q12. Is Reiki right for all Christians to practice?

As you can see from the information presented, Reiki is in alignment with the teachings of the Bible. Yet, it is not likely that all Christians will be drawn to practice it. If you are interested in Reiki and are in the process of deciding on receiving a Reiki treatment or attending a Reiki class, it is suggested that you pray about it and then follow the guidance that comes to you from God.

I hope that this article has alleviated any concerns that you might have. Being a Christian and being a Reiki practitioner can and does work in conjunction with one another. They do not conflict with one another and through Reiki, you can incorporate your Christian beliefs to heal just as Jesus healed. Through invoking the Holy Spirit and the divine blessings of Jesus, you can bring clarity, healing and joy back into your life.


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